Autism Diagnosis: Finding the Right Support
Paul, Daniel, & Alicia. Photo credit: Alicia King Special thanks to Alicia King for sharing her story to help in writing this article! Our son Daniel was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at three years old. With that formal autism diagnosis came a...
Baby Sign Language: How and When to Teach, from the Experts
When our kids are babies, we wish there was a manual on deciphering what each cry or grunt means. Are they hungry? Tired? Full? As they approach toddler age, this task becomes a little easier, but there is still that language barrier as they are learning to form words and phrases.
Enter Baby Sign Language!
My Child Struggles with Reading: Functional Vision & How It Impacts Learning
Have a child that struggles with reading? As parents, we all want what’s best for our children’s health and their learning. So, it comes as no surprise to hear that vision and reading go hand-in-hand. In order to read well, children need to see well. But even for a...
Special Needs Diagnosis & Beyond: Advice from Moms Who Have Been There
Being the parent of a child with a special needs diagnosis comes with unique challenges. From the moment that first diagnosis is shared, to the search for care as their child grows, every step of the journey is different. Here are some advice from three moms, Cassidy,...
Activities of Daily Living: What Are They & How Therapy Can Help
Our job as parents is to help our kids grow, develop, and thrive. And while it’s not a commonly used term in everyday life, a big part of kids’ development focuses on “Activities of Daily Living,” or ADLs as we call them in the therapy world. What are...
Emotional Regulation in Kids: How Occupational Therapy Can Help
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed in a situation where the TV is on, something is burning in the kitchen, your child is asking for help with their homework, the dog is barking to be let outside, your partner just dropped a glass, and the baby just started...
Gross Motor Skills in Babies & Toddlers: When Should I Seek Help?
Children are constantly growing, moving, and learning; it can seem like they’re learning milestones and doing new things every day! But as parents, it can be challenging and stressful to be unsure if your child is doing things when they are “supposed” to. And that...
Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten: 5 Skill Areas to Focus On
School might seem so far away for your soon-to-be Kindergartener, but as we all know, time flies! Preparing your child for Kindergarten can feel very overwhelming, as it’s a big transition. This is a helpful guide to get you thinking about what kind of skills are...
Writing Grasps: What You Need to Know
A big piece of occupational therapy works with fine motor skills. This includes hand/finger strength, various types of grasp patterns, and for young children, all of these pre-skills lead to handwriting skills! (among other things) Here are 4 of the most common pencil...
Bedwetting & Accidents: Tips to Support Your Child
Bedwetting & Pediatric Incontinence Bedwetting is a common issue. An estimated 5-7 million children in the United States experience bedwetting after they finish potty training. With 1-2% of those continuing to have problems into adulthood. Typically, bedwetting is...
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